Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 1: 14 July 08.....Hacking begins..

Hacking begins with just a small hole............
To a larger hole...........

Close up view.........
Side wall hacked........

Whole Kitchen entrance down...........

Look at the amount of debris created from the hacking..........

Kitchen & Study room all hacked..........

Study room......

Living & Study room through........

View from Kitchen

Final Look of the entire hacking......
How i wish the house looks this big without hacking......


cottage.threesixone said...

wow, major reno! now yr hse look really spacious! btw, can i check what's ur cost of hacking, excluding PE cost & making good?

The J's said...

my place look spacious only after the hacking, but will soon seal up a new wall again, with the feature wall. hope it doesnt look too small again....cost of hacking $390.